
What You'll Learn:

5 simple ways that you can dominate the social media newsfeed... without spending a dime!
Social media is simply a tool.  YOU are either using IT, or IT is using YOU.  

If you're not sure how it's using you, ask yourself why Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn are all "billion dollar companies" yet they're free platforms...  How does that happen?

It happens because they use your data and sell it to advertisers, which is why they're they most targeted advertisements on the planet.

The focus of this 40 min presentation is to show YOU how to use IT as a tool to meet your customers where they're at.  Your customers are on social media to be entertained

If you're able to show up on social media in an "entertaining way" you're able to consistently stay "top of mind" and people will even share your advertisements if you do it correctly.

The 5 areas you'll learn are:

- Memes*79x6m7*jpg?alt=media&token=44a3e088-0f48-4ab5-9977-badc4f873181

Although a meme is simply a picture with a caption, a picture is worth 1,000 words.  Memes are simply an entertaining way to convey a message. 

The right message can be placed over 1,000 different pictures.

Plus, If people are laughing... they're listening!

- GIFs*7armgr*gif?alt=media&token=31f2a85b-b53b-473a-9139-f0da907acf16

Similar to memes, a GIF is an entertaining way to convey a message... however instead using an image to do so, you're using a looping video without sound.  Using GIFs allow you to search based off of emotion... and then convey a message using a caption.

- Testimonial Graphics*1692993053455*jpg?alt=media&token=055460f7-f0c1-4beb-b215-ab865c8b0cf2

"Nobody can sell you better than a satisfied customer"

We all know that having reviews are important.  However what's equally important is who actually sees those reviews.

What many people don't realize is that a "text only" review can be made into a graphic like this so that it can be shared across social media & more people can see them.

- Infographics*Untitled%20design%20(55)*png?alt=media&token=965c802c-14a6-4870-96bb-0550d980d481

Think of these as "education based marketing"

Sales is all about solving problems and creating infographics is all about speaking to your prospects problems so that they know you can solve them.  If you're able to speak to your prospect's pain points better than they can articulate it... they'll assume you're the solution.

Always remember, most people prefer to do business with an "expert."

- Audiograms*giphy*gif?alt=media&token=ca597169-e89b-44d5-8fbd-8b94f83d4dbb

Think of these as a picture with a voiceover.  Although creating infographics are extremely effective, eventually you run out of room before the picture starts to become cluttered.  If you want to expand on a topic, that can easily be solved by doing a video.  The problem is, many people aren't comfortable on camera.

An Audiogram is a happy medium, and it's a great way to "stop the scroll" since the animation is eye catching.  You're also able to repurpose content with these such as blogs, articles, books and podcasts.

All 5 of these areas allow you to mix business with entertainment.

People do busines with those who they know, like and trust.

My combining all 5 of these in your social media content you'll be able to show up in an entertaining way and ultimately stay top of mind for your network.*Copy%20of%20Revamped%20Shortened%20OMCM*png?alt=media&token=0fe32865-334c-48bf-b8c8-dd382b335f29

Let's Connect!*Untitled%20design%20(6)*png?alt=media&token=1c2d4c15-b676-4db7-b6f7-db930ec6b878
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